Thursday, January 10

and now Hampi

...a proper paradise, you judge ... [infinite thanks to Hemangini you suggested it to me...]

and finally....after having written a dissertation on it...GOA. I admit I indulged in sunbathing, swimming and fish eating etc etc rather than chasing churches and christians, but it was great anyway...

and to finish...3 snaps of Bombay/Mumbai, do you get it? India is complex...

1 comment:

Mandi said...

bo insomma,mi sa che ti ho appena mandato una mail pensando che fosse un commento semplicino...comunque, figata Franz, ti ripeto che hai fatto bene a fregartene dei cristiani e a ad andare per spiagge.BRAVO FRANZ!I love u,mandi mandi by UR magic Mandi